Letter 161
Dear Ones,
Today I want to talk about FEAR. I am aware that most of the readers of my letters are not looking at the changes happening on your Mother Earth with the eyes of FEAR. My concern is the millions of other beings on your planet that are looking at the changes with the eyes of fear.
Now is the time when I am asking each one of you to stand up and open your mouths and start telling everyone what your beliefs are about the future. Let your friends and families know that you believe all the changes that are happening are leading us to the life of love and open-heartedness that everyone dreams of. They need to know that this is not just pie in the sky kind of dreams, but that these dreams are becoming the truth of your world.
There are those of your planet who are watching the changes and unrest with confusion and doubt. They are wanting all of this to stop and for it to go back and appear to be peaceful without chaos or confusion. Now is the time for those beings to recognize that all that is happening in your world is the beginning of the end of your old ways. The ways of selfishness, greed, violence, hate, and separation are being removed and will fall away. The people of Earth were never meant to live in such a discordant and harmful way. Living in separation and aloneness is harmful and unhealthy for all beings of the world.
Have you not noticed that the illness and diseases of your world are becoming more severe and deadly? The ultimate and underlying causes of these kinds of disease is separation and aloneness. All beings of your world and the universe are connected and make up the whole. In your separateness and isolation, you are denying the very core of who you all are. This separation has been going on for eons and eons. It is no longer possible for the beings of the universe to live in this way. All of the old ways of separation and aloneness must disappear, and the time of acknowledging your connections to the whole is now approaching and becoming.
In the different countries of Earth, many are protesting greed and selfishness. The underlying cause of the disease of greed and selfishness is SEPARATION. So I say to you, applaud these beings that are standing up and saying they will no longer allow greed and selfishness to be the way of the world. I will also say there is no need for violence to be a part of these protests, for once again, the disease of violence is about separation and aloneness. Nothing in violence leads to love and connection. It is only about separation and aloneness.
It is time for your voices to be heard; rather, you are standing in a crowd with a sign or talking to your neighbors, friends, and families. Now is the time to speak the truth as you know it. Remembering always that each voice counts. Each and every one of you has great importance on your planet, just as each of your voices have great importance.
I am right there beside each of you. Find your voice, and I will speak with you as you speak the truth of what your world is to be. Know that your hearts are opening and becoming full and welcoming to all beings of the universe. As always, there are thousands of us here on this side waiting to help you. You each are greatly loved and cherished.
Know you only need call my name and I will be there.
In Love, Mother Mary