Monday, August 23, 2021

Letter 219


Letter 219

Dear Ones,

Today is a day of new beginnings. With the immense amounts of energy coming into your body, mind, and spirits today, you are all capable of performing miracles for yourselves.

Whether it is letting go of old fears that you have held on to for a lifetime or singing the songs that you love as you walk down the street. What is it that you have always dreamed of doing? What have you never allowed yourself to accomplish?

Today give yourself permission to be who you are. Open the door to your inner being and allow yourself the freedom to be in the world. Each one of you knows exactly what I am talking about. I am talking about that person you keep hidden away for fear of what others will think. The truth is it is what you think that matters.

No longer allow these old 3D ways of thinking to stop you. Take advantage of what is being offered today. Right now, take a moment in time and stop and allow yourself to feel the energy. Stand in quietness, whether you are on the street or in your homes. Let this be the moment you allow yourselves what is being offered.

If you have stopped and cannot feel the energy of today, then I will ask you to trust me and just believe it is there for you. Know also that on a day like today that your world is filled with beings from my world and beings from all the star planets.

Your world is filled with multitudes of spirit beings, star beings, all the Archangels and Masters from the beginnings of time. All are here to assist you and honor you. We all wish to show our gratitude for all that you are doing to assist your Mother Earth into the 5D world.

Know that you are loved beyond what you can imagine. I love you, I love you, and I love you.

Know you only need call my name and I will be there.

In Love, Mother Mary

Monday, August 16, 2021

Letter 216


Letter 216

Dear Ones,

Today let us stop and take a look at how far you have come.  Remember back to last year at this time.  What were your thoughts, how did you feel about yourself, how did you feel about your world and the whole of the world?  Did you like yourself?  Did you like your life and what about your friends and families?  How do you feel about them?

These are big questions, which I hope you will take the time to answer. Look at yourself today and look at yourself a year ago? What do you see, and what are the changes you have made or have not made? Is your life going in the direction that you want? Are you listening to yourself? Are you listening to spirit?

Have the things of the 5D world come to live in your world here today? Is JOY, HAPPINESS, LAUGHTER, LOVE, AND WARMTH part of your world today? Are those things there part of the time, none of the time, or maybe all of the time? Most importantly, are you where you want to be and doing what you want to do?

If not, do you know how to get to the place where your life is what you want and how you want it to be? Do you know the steps to take to get yourself to that point in your personal journey? If not, then perhaps it is time to ask for help? I can hear some of you saying, "Mother Mary, I have been asking for help, and nothing happens." And I say back to you does nothing happen, or is it nothing that you thought should happen.

I want to remind you about something important when you are asking for help. Many times you ask for help, but then you tie our hands and only want the help to come in one certain way. Sometimes the way you want the help stops us in our tracks because it affects another being's journey. So your request is not just about yourself; it would mean taking away free will from another being. There is no way for us to step in and change another being's journey for the sake of someone else.

WE are here most desperately wanting to help you in any way we can. We are so aware that each and every one of you is in need of support and encouragement. This path you have decided to walk is not an easy one, nor is it one that you need to walk alone. So when you ask us for help, allow us the freedom to bring it to you in the best way possible. Asking for help and keeping it all tied up in knots of control does not work, nor has it ever. If you are not believing that you deserve the help or that it will never come your way, then, of course, it won't. Your thoughts stop the whole process before it can even get started.

So take time to practice asking for help without keeping it all tied up in knots of control or with doubts of your deserving what you are asking. I am excited to see what can happen now and what we will be able to help you with. I LOVE YOU, I LOVE YOU, AND I LOVE YOU.

Know you only need call my name and I will be there.

In Love, Mother Mary

Sunday, August 8, 2021

Letter 215


Letter 215

Dear Ones,

Let there be no room for judgment or criticism in your mind or heart. Honor each being for who they are, not who you think they should be. Do not judge their looks, clothes, hairstyle, or who they are talking to. See them for who they really are.

For they are a child of God, just as you are and just as every other being on your Mother Earth is. And above all, look at yourself as a child of God. You each are perfect, just as you are at every moment in time. We have talked of this many times before, and I am going to keep talking about the self-judgments and the harshness with which you see yourselves.

The words you say in your head during your waking hours are harsh and, most times, so unloving. Many of you still find yourselves in the old mode of right or wrong. Most times, you judge yourselves to be wrong, not doing a good enough job, not dressing right, not saying the right thing, not being smart enough, or not being pretty or handsome enough. And let us not forget not being thin enough or thinking I am too thin.

The words go on and on. Some of you even go to the extreme of not believing compliments when they are given. The compliments are simply brushed aside as if they have no meaning. SO I WILL SPEAK VERY LOUDLY RIGHT NOW AND SAY TO EACH AND EVERY ONE OF YOU THAT YOU ARE WONDERFUL JUST AS YOU ARE IN MY EYES. EVERYONE HERE IN MY WORLD HAS GREAT APPRECIATION FOR EACH OF YOU.

I WANT EACH OF YOU TO STOP AND TAKE THE TIME TO LOOK IN THE MIRROR THIS MORNING AND REALLY SEE WHO YOU ARE. You are human beings who live on planet earth. You are going through times of great change and transformation. Your strength and courage is unheralded. You all are working hard to bring about a new and better way to be. Each of you is working to help transform your earth into a world based on LOVE.

This is a job of gigantic proportions. You each have had many lives getting yourselves prepared to take part in this transformation. You came here to do a job of incredible importance. We here on my side of the veil are honored and humbled by the opportunity once again to work with you and support you in this transformation. SO DO YOU SEE NOW THAT THERE IS NO ROOM OR TIME FOR HARSH AND UNJUST CRITICISMS OF YOURSELF OR EACH OTHER?

THERE IS ONLY ROOM FOR LOVE OF YOURSELVES AND LOVE FOR EVERY OTHER BEING WHO LIVES ON YOUR MOTHER EARTH. Know that I am always here for you and that I am loving you greatly and holding you in my heart.

Know that you only need call my name and I will be there.

In Love, Mother Mary

Monday, August 2, 2021

Letter 280



Dear Ones,

Today, you are starting into a whole new cycle. You have a new month on your calendar, and it is time to step outside and shake off all the intense, heavy energies from these past months. I am truly saying take a step outside your doors and give yourselves a good shaking. WE here are so proud of you for making it through these past months of intense energy and the many challenges that came into your lives.

It is with sorrow that I can't tell you that the next few months would be a breeze for you, but I can tell you they will be easier than the last few. We are still wanting you to delve into the old energies that are holding you back, but the push to do so will not be as strong as the last few months.

Now it is time for each of you to take the lead and do this on your own without being pushed by outside energies. It is time for each of you to pay attention to yourselves and to what you are wanting in your lives. How badly do you want to take off the many veils that you are wearing? How badly does the real you want to come out and allow the world to see you as you really are? How badly do you want to share your gifts? How badly do you want all that waits inside of you to come forward to be a part of your world?

WE, of course, are standing right here, ready to help you in any way that we can. You only need ask, and we will be right there. Your world is changing so rapidly that many of you are unable to even comprehend the many changes that are happening daily or even minute by minute. These past months have left little time for even looking around and seeing what is happening outside your own personal world. It is indeed time to stop and take a look around at the beings in your own personal worlds and then take another look at the world as a whole.  Much has changed in other's lives, and much has changed in your lives.

Call this a time of taking stock of yourselves and the whole of the world. It is time to recognize and applaud yourselves for the growth and changes you have made and also the ones you see in the whole of the world. It is time to re-think where you are going, what you are doing, and what you want to do. What are your goals, what do you want changed in your lives, what do you want changed in the world, and what can you personally do about all of this? This does indeed sound like a big project, or should I say CLARIFYING. Yes, this is a time of clarifying. It is time to stop allowing the energies to move you whichever way they please. It is time for you to start directing the energy how you please. You, of course, do have a choice in how the energy affects your lives. THERE IS ALWAYS FREE WILL. You are the one in charge. And, yes, I do know that in the last few months, it has felt many times like there was no choice as you were moved and pushed around by the might of the energy coming into MOTHER EARTH. But, today I am here to remind you that this whole journey is about your choice, YOUR FREE WILL. What do you want, who are you willing to let yourselves be, and so, I will say again, as I have said in the past, are you ready to let yourself be who you came here to be? The keywords are, (YOUR CHOICE AND FREE WILL.) WHAT DO YOU CHOOSE TODAY AND EVERY DAY FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIVES?

Of course, we are here loving you no matter what you decide to do. We are here, standing at the ready to help you in any way we can. Please remember to give us room to work the miracles that you ask for. In your asking, leave the doors open to how we can bring you what you are asking for. I am loving you so greatly and holding each of you in my heart, always.

Know you only need call my name and I will be there.

In Love, Mother Mary