Letter 335
Dear Ones,
Once again your world and the energy of this world is changing, and you are stepping into a new way. All the doors are open and waiting to greet each of you. As I have said before all is ready and waiting for each one of you. The time for living and being your purpose is upon you. Everything is perfectly lined up for you to step into your place in time and history.
I could say to you "What are you waiting for?" But, I do know the answer to that question. It is simply time to go back to the beginnings to your foundation. Your foundation is your self-esteem, your self-love and the honoring of who you are today and who you are becoming.
There are many of you who will say to me I LOVE MYSELF AND I HONOR MYSELF. I will say back to you those are thoughts in your brain, that is not what is happening in your heart and all of your bodies. Your brain also has the thoughts I don't deserve any of the good things of the world. Other thoughts are running through your mind as you think of your purpose. Those thoughts are like weights holding you in place. You are telling yourself that you are not smart enough, brave enough, wise enough and the list goes on forever. YOU LEARN THESE THINGS AS A CHILD EITHER IN WORDS OR IN UNSPOKEN ACTIONS FROM OTHERS IN YOUR WORLD.
It is time to let go of those words or actions, for they are not the truth. It is time to let the knowing of your heart to spread into all of your bodies, mind, and spirit. It is time to know your worth and to understand all the wonders of who you are. Each one of you are full of magic and wonder. There is no other being like you. You are one of a kind, and you are the chosen for your particular purpose. Not only have you been chosen by us for this purpose it is a choice that you also made.
You each have lived lifetimes working on your foundations of self-esteem and self-love. This is the lifetime that you will push forward to put it to rest. This is the lifetime that you wake up and claim who you truly are. You have waited lifetime after lifetime for the privilege and honor of seeing and living all that you truly are.
I will say you are almost there, just a bit more discovering of self to accomplish. So I say to you keep working, keep looking within and seeing with the eyes of truth. It is the time to slow down and allow yourselves the time to go within. YOU ARE WAITING FOR YOURSELVES TO DISCOVER ALL THAT YOU ARE.
Know that we are standing with you helping you in every way we can to finish this journey of self-discovery. This journey of rebuilding your foundation. The journey of learning the truth of who you truly are.
We are loving you greatly and holding you so dearly in our hearts. I LOVE YOU, I LOVE YOU, AND I LOVE YOU.
Know you only need call my name and I will be there.
In Love, Mother Mary