Monday, November 6, 2017

Letter 330

Letter 330

My Dearest Ones,

Indeed, it has been a while since Barbara and I have put together a Letter. Please know that I have been right here beside you, loving you, holding you and caring for you greatly.

Much has been happening in your world, and I am aware that in these times all that is going on can be overwhelming, and chaotic. Your world has changed so drastically since your Presidential Election. Even though in your hearts and minds all may seem totally wrong and without rhyme or reason. Let me assure you that all is happening just as it should.

You are going through a huge and gigantic clearing and cleansing. Mother Earth herself is going through this same clearing and cleansing. I am sure you have been aware of all the differences in your weather patterns with hurricanes, tornadoes, flooding and the list goes on. It seemed never ending I am sure. All that is happening in your outside world (Mother Earth) is happening in your personal physical world, global world, and your country.

Everyone and everything is being taken back to their foundations. This is a clearing and cleansing of all that has gone on before back to the beginning of your time. Back to the beginning of your Mother Earth. For many of you, this will cover many, many lifetimes. Which only means that some of you have a bit more to take care of than others.

Everyone is going through this process and if you are reading this and thinking no this isn't happening in my life. Then I say to you, it is time to wake up and pay attention to what is happening right here and right now. You may be living in the past and not be paying attention to what is really going in the moment or moments of each day.

I am hoping that you will hear me very clearly right now. It is time to stop the struggle, the holding back or denying the truth of what is going on in your world. I want to tell you to go with the flow, the flow of what is happening to you right now in each moment of your day. I am aware that this is very easy for me to say, but a bit more difficult for some of you to live. What is happening to many of you that with the struggling and holding back you are in a great war with the energy coming into your world. This is a war that you cannot win nor do you really want to win.

All that you have been wanting and asking for will be the outcome of this great clearing and cleansing. All regrets and sorrows of the past will be washed away. All dreams and images of the future will fade and not take up so much room in your mind. You will just be living in the now the current moment without anything from the past holding you back nor anything from the future keeping you in fear that you can't do.

Imagine yourself without the burdens of the past and the burdens of the future, gone washed away. Imagine yourself in the moment living in peace and joy. Appreciating who you really are without all the trappings that you have been carrying. It will be a whole new way to live and you will discover a whole new being coming to life, walking in the world with knowledge of who you are what you have come here to do in this lifetime. Knowing within yourself that you are capable of doing whatever is being asked of you.

And of course, we will be right here walking beside you. Loving you and holding you so dearly as you go through this process of finding yourselves.

Know you only need call my name and I will be there.
In Love, Mother Mary