Saturday, July 1, 2017

Letter 329


Dear Ones,

At this time on your Mother Earth there is only one way to move forward. The time has come for all beings of Mother Earth to begin to live there lives “IN THE FLOW OF THE ENERGY.” What I mean by this is it is time to move within the flow of energy on your Mother Earth. Following the lead of your heart and no longer logically analyzing everything that happens before you can make a decision. There is no longer time in your days and weeks to live in this manner. Your world is moving extremely fast and now you must also step up into the flow and follow your heart.

It is also time to let go of all that has been holding you in place. I am asking Barbara to re-post Letter 36, which is about letting go of beings in your personal world, old issues, feelings and memories of the past. The time has come to let go of the past and go with the flow of energy coming into your world.

Know you only need call my name and I will be there.
In Love, Mother Mary


Dear Ones,

Today let us talk about Letting Go. Letting Go of all the things in your lives that you have no control over. Letting Go of people who no longer fit with who you have become. Letting Go of all the old feelings of resentment, guilt, and anger. Letting Go of all the old images in your mind about who you could or should be.

The holding on of all these things fills you up and leaves no room for the
new things coming into your lives. All of the old feelings and images about
how your life should have turned out will stop you and hold you in 
stagnation.  Stagnation or non-movement of energy will turn to disease. Letting Go of people, is often more difficult than the letting go of feelings or memories.

As you change and grow the people in your lives will change, some moving out to continue on with their lives or passing over on to my side of the veil. Their moving on is not because of you. It is because of where their journey is taking them, just as your journey is taking you on a different road. People come into your lives for what you need or want at the moment. There are precious few who have contracted to stay through the years. You can count on your fingers the ones you know who have a contract with you for all the years.

Treasure those few people who will be staying over the years. Allow the ones who need to move on to go in love and peace knowing that you each have fulfilled your contract with the other.

Let us practice Letting Go. CLOSE YOUR EYES, TAKE A DEEP BREATH, PUT YOUR HAND ON YOUR HEART AND CALL MY NAME. Come and be with me; hold my hand and let us walk in the meadow. We have blue sky; the meadow is green and lush with wild flowers. The air is clean and fresh allowing us to breathe gently and easily. Allow your mind to open and let go of all the resentments, anger and guilt. Watch them tumble out into the meadow and be absorbed back into universal energy. Allow your mind to clear out those spaces so long filled with stagnation. Fill up those spaces with the blue sky, the meadow, the wild flowers, and the clean fresh air.

Now, allow the people who you have been holding in your hearts, the ones who need to go or have gone, let them one by one stand in the meadow. Experience the joy and love they have brought into your lives. Carry this joy in your heart as you allow them to leave and go their way. Hold on to the joy and fill all the spaces in your being where they lived with joy. Allow the joy to come into your minds when you think of them. Honor and celebrate that joy, letting go of their leaving by honoring and celebrating the joy. Joy, appreciation and gratitude is the direction in which your world is traveling. Step into joy, appreciation and gratitude and allow your soul to soar.

Call my name and I will come and be with you as you go to the meadow. Call on the thousands of other helpers here on this side that are waiting to help. Going to the meadow is not something to do by yourself. BE gentle and kind to yourself, accept the support and love we offer.

Know you only need call my name and I will be there.
In Love, Mother Mary