Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Letter 310

Mother Mary is inviting you to come and have a personal 
channeled conversation with her.   The conversation can take place 
long distance over the phone or in person if you live near the 
North Coast of Oregon.  Please call or email for an appointment. or 503-717-4302
Letter 310

Dear Ones,

I have much to share with you about the coming months. From your time now until or even after the beginning of your New Year, there will be many changes in your personal lives and in the whole of your world. You will find that you are receiving this same message from many different sources. All the ones from my world and all the ones from the star planets are trying to prepare the beings of Mother Earth for what is to come over the next few months. Many messengers will be giving the same message only using different words and presenting it a different way so the many different beings of Mother Earth will be able to hear and understand what is happening.

First, I want to say very LOUDLY TO EACH OF YOU; THAT CHANGE IS NOT A BAD THING TO HAVE HAPPEN IN YOUR PERSONAL LIVES OR IN YOUR WORLD. Much will be changing over the next months. Each being of Mother Earth is in some form of transformation at this time. For many beings, it will be a complete transformation of their lives as they now know it and for others it will be a slower time of changing, and it will happen in small increments. All ways of traveling through this transformation are perfect, just as they need to be for each individual. Also, there will be those beings who decline the transformation that is awaiting them. Those beings are to be honored and respected for using their free will as they choose.

This time is one more big step in preparing yourselves for the 5D World. Some of you will find yourselves living in different places, and working in different jobs. The changes to come will stretch you out of your comfort zones and allow you to see yourselves as you more truly are. It will be a time of letting go of the ego parts of your world, that part of ego that separates you from other beings. Allowing all to see that everyone is equal and no one is more and no one is less. Everyone is the same rather you are from a different country, different religion, different color or have a different belief systems. All beings are important and precious to the whole of the Universe. Everyone is part of everyone else. Whether you live in a Mansion, or you are Homeless. You are still all the same, all part of the whole, all of the same importance to the whole of the Universe.

Each of you and your Mother Earth have been working for a very long time to come to this point in time, where all will be seen equal and as one. We here in my world are applauding and paying honor for the hard work and courage it has taken for the beings of Mother Earth to come to this place and this time.

This is also the time to think and speak out loud of what you want your life to be. The time for saying I don't know what I want my life to be, or I don't know what I am supposed to being doing is over. I will tell you most loudly that inside of your heart, you do know what it is you want and how you want it to be. Now is the time to step forward in your great courage and speak of who you are and what you will be doing when this time is over. Right now, all that is required is one small step in allowing your knowing to come forward and be spoken of. It can be simply saying one word to another being or simply saying it out loud. That is all it will take to start this process.

Yes, I am aware that many of you have already started the process, but there are those of you who have not. So, I will say to those who have not to please step forward and join your brothers and sisters on this journey to change and oneness.

WE here in my world are all standing with you and are ready to help you take that next step on your journey. WE are loving you and holding you most dearly in our hearts.

Know you only need call my name and I will be there.
In Love, Mother Mary

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Letter 309

Mother Mary is inviting you to come and have a personal 
channeled conversation with her.   The conversation can take place 
long distance over the phone or in person if you live near the 
North Coast of Oregon.  Please call or email for an appointment. or 503-717-4302
Letter 309

Good Afternoon Dear Ones,

Today, I have asked Barbara to re-post a letter from an earlier time. The Letter was originally scribed on June 21, 2011. The words of the Letter are true today just as they were in 2011. I wish for you a season of growth, love, awareness and joy. Know that you are loved most dearly, and that I am always right here waiting to be of service to you.


Dear Ones,

As these first days of summer come into being, let us rejoice at this new season and this time of change and growth. Summer comes to us with warmth, blue sky, thoughts of play, and good times. Summer comes with times of growth and gardens. It is a time of inner-growth and change. The time has come for reaching out and pushing past old barriers.

As each of you reach out and push past what you have known, you will be shedding old ways, customs, and traditions. This is a time of getting ready for what the universe is growing into and becoming. It is a time to recognize your growth and who you are becoming. It is a time of waking up and seeing the truth of your world and what it has become. One of the first steps in allowing the old ways of the world to fall away is to clearly see the truth of what it has become. I am speaking of seeing the whole picture not just part of the picture. This is not a time of agreeing or disagreeing with what the world has become, it is just about seeing the whole truth of what it is.

It is about recognizing the strengths and weakness of the world and yourselves. Are you ready to change that picture? Are you ready to look inside and find the truth of yourself and the world? As each of you brings the truth of yourself into being, you will affect the picture of the world. With your becoming who you are meant to be, then in turn the world will start to become who and what it was meant to be. Each being of this universe is connected and affects each other and the whole of your world.

It is past time to let go of the illusion that what you do and what you say does not matter to other beings or the whole of your world. Every thought, action, and deed affects every other living breathing life form. Are you consciously aware of these actions of others? No, most of you are not, but all actions, thoughts, and deeds changes the energy in the universe. That energy reaches out and touches each of you and in the touching of that energy, you are changed and affected.


Know that we are right here standing with you ready to help you weed your garden or shed your old untruths. We number in the thousands and we are loving each and every one of you. We are hoping that you can feel our love, support, and encouragement flowing into your world.

Know that you only need call my name and I will be there. 
In Love, Mother Mary


Friday, June 5, 2015

Letter 308

Mother Mary is inviting you to come and have a personal 
channeled conversation with her.   The conversation can take place 
long distance over the phone or in person if you live near the 
North Coast of Oregon.  Please call or email for an appointment. or 503-717-4302
Letter 308

Good Morning Dear Ones,

The month of May has ended. We are starting into June and the beginning of summer. June and Summer are all about growth, fun, and play. Remembering now that growth does take time and work, so I am afraid this Summer will not be just about play, but also about work. Know that it will be important to spend sometime playing, which will release some of the challenges of the growth.

Everyone on Mother Earth is being asked to dig deep within themselves to release the old patterns that have been programed into you from the beginnings of this lifetime. Think of yourselves as computers and it is simply time to let go of the old programing and to install the new programs. Think of this as Windows from the 5D world. Would it not be wonderful if all of this could be handled by uninstalling a program and installing the new Windows program from the 5D world?

Think about that for a moment. Indeed, it could and can happen just that easily. It will take great courage to allow yourselves to let go of the old ways without any knowing of what the new ways will be. And even who you would be in this new 5D world. Most beings of Mother Earth are not fond of changes or changing, so this would indeed be a huge leap of faith to simply let go of the old without knowing what the new will be.

So, today I challenge you to step forward and release the old ways of being. This is a huge giant leap of faith. A jumping off of the cliff you might say. Do you know that we will be there to catch you? We will not let you fall; we would love to teach you to fly. This will be a taking off or removing many layers of old worn-out clothes, tapes, programs and restrictions. Picture yourselves in your mind as a being inflight, luminous and glowing from within. This is who you truly are. The old clothes, tapes, programs and restriction is a way of holding in and hiding from the world who you really are. I am asking you now to break free. It is time for this to happen to each one of you. Indeed, it is past time for freedom.

CLOSE YOUR EYES AND PUT YOUR HAND ON YOUR HEART AND CALL MY NAME. I AM RIGHT HERE WITH YOU, IN FACT; I AM HOLDING YOUR HAND. YOU ARE NOT ALONE FOR THIS ADVENTURE INTO YOURSELVES. Let us breathe, taking several deep breaths; now putting your attention to your heart. Just keep breathing and listening to what your heart has to say or to show you. Your heart knows the way for you to shed all of your outer and inner coverings, (the clothes, tapes, programs and restrictions.) Each one of you will proceed a little differently in how you choose to take this leap of faith. Taking one step at a time now; removing the outer coverings and saying good-by to this layer of clothing. Now moving on to the old tapes, programs and restrictions. Are you ready to let go of old judgments, jealousies and fears?? How freeing will this be for you. I am asking you to keep moving through this and find your freedom and the knowledge of who you truly are. You may need to do this several times to rid yourselves of all tapes, programs and restrictions.

Yes, I am asking a lot of each one of you, but remember to know that each one of you made the choice to come back during this life time to do exactly what I am asking of you. Are you saying to yourself, “well darn, why did I choose to do this?” That is a very good question to ask yourself, and it will be even better if you can answer yourself. REMEMBERING NOW THAT THIS IS NOT A JOURNEY YOU ARE BEING FORCED TO TAKE, BUT A JOURNEY YOU DECIDED THAT YOU WANTED TO TAKE. We are simply here to help and guide you on your journey and most importantly we are here to love you and hold you as you make this journey.

Know you only need call my name and I will be there.
In Love, Mother Mary