Thursday, January 29, 2015

Letter 299

Mother Mary is inviting you to come and have a personal 
channeled conversation with her.   The conversation can take place 
long distance over the phone or in person if you live near the 
North Coast of Oregon.  Please call or email for an appointment. or 503-717-4302 
Letter 299

Dear Ones, 

What should we talk about today? Let's talk about the energy coming into your world and the craziness that comes with this new wave of energy. Have you been riding a roller coaster? One minute all is right with your world and the next you're feeling like someone knocked you down.

Many of the beings of Mother Earth have been experiencing these great highs and lows over the past few weeks. You are entering a time of more calm and introspection! Now, is a good time to walk back through the last few weeks and examine those extreme highs and lows. Much of the energy from those extreme mood changes is still in your many bodies. Bodies meaning cellular, physical, spiritual, mental and emotional bodies. Now is a time of clearing and revitalizing all of the bodies.

I want to tell you to take a few days to allow yourselves to catch up with your lives and all that has been happening to you. But, I am aware with all that consumes your days it is most unlikely that you would be able to allow yourselves to take those few days. So, I will say to you to take time each morning to examine all that has been happening. Each of you have had abundant amounts of letting go and releasing happening. There is simply time needed to examine and evaluate what has happened.

Once you have had time to examine and evaluate the past few weeks, your life can and will go into a slower more gentle time. As you know, you are past due for some rest time. Make use of this down time over the next few weeks to give yourselves abundant amounts of self-care. Over the past few months, self-care has not been at the top of the priority list. It is time to make up for months of neglect and to see yourself at the top of the list. Rest and rejuvenate yourselves. Giving your body the food, water, and exercise it needs in healthy wonderful amounts. It is time to nurture, love and support yourselves as you would your best friend. Because, indeed you are your best friend whether you are aware of that or not.

I will assure you that no one else in the whole of your world knows what you need, want or dream about. You are the only person who has the answers to those questions. What do you need, want and dream about?  Do you consciously know the answers to those questions? If you are saying to yourself and others, “I am not sure what I want or need.” Then I say back to you it is time to find out. During these next few weeks, it is most important for you to have a long very honest talk with yourself about your wants and needs.

These are not questions that your brain/mind is going to be able to answer for you with truth. Your brain/mind will continue to tell what you should want and need. What I am talk about is what your heart is waiting to tell you and I promise you that your heart will tell you the truth. Your heart is not programed to tell you what you should or shouldn't need and want.  Begin this process by placing your hand on your heart and closing your eyes. There are those of you who are reading this letter and will start to laugh and say, “OH, Mother Mary you always say this.” And, you are right I do always say this, because it works. YOUR HEART KNOWS THE TRUTH OF YOUR SOUL There are those of you who may need to practice this for some time before you are really able to hear what you HEART is saying. There are also others of you who will find it difficult to believe what your heart is saying. What your heart is saying maybe so different from what your brain/mind has been telling you for years that it will be difficult to believe.

It is time to believe. It is time to trust yourselves and what you know in your heart. It is time to tell your brain to be quiet, so that you can listen to what you desperately need to hear. Know that we will be standing right beside you, behind you and in front of you. We are here and we will always be here. You only need call and I will be there and there are 100s of millions of other beings in my world who will be there. Know that I am loving you so greatly and holding you so dearly in my heart.

Know you only need call my name and I will be there.
In Love, Mother Mary

Monday, January 12, 2015

Letter 298

Mother Mary is inviting you to come and have a personal 
channeled conversation with her.   The conversation can take place 
long distance over the phone or in person if you live near the 
North Coast of Oregon.  Please call or email for an appointment. or 503-717-4302 
Letter 298

My Dear Ones,

Today, I wish to speak of something we talked about during The Conversations with Mother Mary Gathering at Barbara's home yesterday. I am speaking of what has been going on and what is continuing to go on in your world. I am speaking of what you call TERRORISM, Acts of incredible violence, hate and rage perpetrated by one human being of Mother Earth onto another human being of Mother Earth.

All of these acts are being done in the name of GOD. I will say to you that there is no God telling any being of Mother Earth to pick up a gun and to go and kill another being. This is a grand illusion that is being believed by beings who have never experienced any form of LOVE OR LIGHT. Their life experiences have shown them only hate and rage and the outlet for these turbulent feelings and emotions is violence, doing harm to ones who they are blaming for their lives.

For many beings of the Middle East the only Love they have known is the love of their Mother. As these beings grow they learn from their Fathers and the Elders of their world that women are pieces of property and have no value except to serve their needs. What then becomes of the love they received from these same women whom they are being told are worthless and of no value. The Love becomes unreal and worthless, also.

What I am trying to tell you is that these beings need Love and Light. This is not the energy they are receiving from most beings of Mother Earth. They are receiving the energy of hate and revenge. They are being told they are evil and monsters of the worst kind. So, all the energy that is being sent to them only feeds their hate and rage I BEG OF YOU TO HEAR ME NOW AND KNOW THAT I SPEAK A GREAT TRUTH THIS DAY. THE ENERGY THEY ARE SO DESPERATELY NEEDING IS THE ENERGY OF LOVE AND LIGHT. SO, I AM ASKING YOU TODAY IN YOUR THOUGHTS AND ACTIONS TO REMEMBER WHAT IS HAPPENING IN ALL AREAS OF YOUR WORLD; AND IN YOUR REMEMBERING TO SEND OUT THE ENERGY OF LOVE AND LIGHT TO ENCOMPASS THE WHOLE OF THE UNIVERSE.

Ask that the energy you are sending forward is to touch every being who is living in hate, rage and violence. Ask that your energy of Love and Light also touches every family who has been affected by the loss of their loved ones through this energy of hate, rage and violence. Ask also, that your energy of Love and Light touch those beings of the Middle East who are living in constant fear of their countrymen who live in their own world of hate, rage and violence.

Acts of hate, rage and violence most often breeds more acts of hate, rage and violence. IT IS TIME TO CHANGE THE ON GOING CYCLE OF HATE, RAGE AND VIOLENCE. IT IS TIME TO STOP THE ON GOING BREEDING OF HATE, RAGE AND VIOLENCE. So, please I am asking you to step forward and change that cycle by reaching out in the energy of Love and Light.

It is important to know that one being sending Love and Light around the Universe will and can make a huge difference. Imagine if you will what a difference all of you can make sending Love and Light.

Know that I am standing right here beside you sending you each great abundant amounts of Love and Light. Each one of you is precious beyond compare. I am loving you so dearly.

Know you only need call my name and I will be there.
In Love, Mother Mary