Friday, September 26, 2014

Letter 288

Mother Mary is inviting you to come and have a personal 
channeled conversation with her.   The conversation can take place 
long distance over the phone or in person if you live near the 
North Coast of Oregon.  Please call or email for an appointment. or 503-717-4302 
Letter 288

Good Morning Dear Ones,

Let us once again talk about you this morning. How are you doing and what is happening in your lives? I know that many of you are spinning out of control and feeling like you are riding a roller coaster. Immensely strong emotions are coming up from the depths of you. Know that these emotions are surfacing up to be cleared and released into the ethers. It is not necessary to pull them back in and bury them once again. Now is the time to release and let go.

Many of you are finding old emotions and issues that you thought you had released years ago, are finding there way to the surface again. It is not that you did not spend time with these emotions and issues in the past; it is simply that they were not fully released and let go of. So think of these times as if you were doing a very thorough cleansing and cleaning of your inner being.

Now is the time to release all that has been buried and hidden away from your everyday life. It is easy to believe that you were unaware of what is left to do, but in the back of your mind, you have known of what was to come next in your journey. Everyone will come to this point in their journey, but not all will arrive here at the same time. Those who arrive first to do their unearthing of old emotions will be able to support those who arrive a little later down the road.

Releasing and letting go of old emotions and issues does not mean that you must go back and be in those times and hurts. It simply means an acknowledging of the emotions and issues. It is a time to stand as the observer or witness to what has happened in your past. It is not the time to go back and live there once again. If you are a being who is thinking OH, MOTHER MARY WE HAVE BEEN HERE SO MANY TIMES IN THE PAST, ARE WE NOT DONE WITH THIS. MY ANSWER BACK TO YOU IS NO, WE ARE NOT DONE WITH THIS. AND IF YOU ARE ASKING THEN YOU ARE DEFINITELY NOT DONE WITH THIS. YOU ARE HOPING AND PERHAPS EVEN PRAYING THAT IT WILL ALL GO AWAY. YES, IT WILL GO AWAY, BUT ONLY AFTER YOU ACKNOWLEDGE ALL THE OLD EMOTIONS AND ISSUES.

I am so aware that many of you are uncomfortable and even afraid to step back and acknowledge these things of your past. I want you to know that it is not necessary to step into all that is lingering there. It is only necessary to see what is there, to acknowledge that this is part of your history and then hand it to me. Simply visualize in your mind putting it all in my hands. Whatever it might be, just to let go and give it to me. I will gladly take it and release it into the ethers to be gone forever more.

Know of course, that we are right here waiting to help you in any way we can. I have said this before, but it is time to say it again. We are behind you, in front of you, beside you, above you and below you. You are never alone for one moment in time. WE are here and we are not going away. You only need ask. I love you, I love you and I love you.

Know you only need call my name and I will be there.
In Love, Mother Mary

Friday, September 19, 2014

Letter 287

Mother Mary is inviting you to come and have a personal 
channeled conversation with her.   The conversation can take place 
long distance over the phone or in person if you live near the 
North Coast of Oregon.  Please call or email for an appointment. or 503-717-4302 
Letter 287

Dear Ones,

Time in your world is moving very fast and you each seem to now be running to try and keep up with all you have to do. All beings in your world are moving as fast as they can to accomplish all that they see needs to be done. There are few beings that are enjoying their lives or the time they are spending taking care of their daily lives.

Rushing here and there seems to be the order of your business. I WANT TO SAY TO YOU VERY LOUDLY IT IS TIME TO SLOW DOWN. Yes, I can hear you just as loudly shouting back at me saying I can't slow down I have all of this to do. In all the craziness of your lives, you have left no room for enjoyment or appreciation. What has happened to connecting with others and being at ease with yourselves?

The speed in which you are living your lives is not something you can sustain over the long run. Your minds, bodies and hearts were never meant to live in a world that runs on full speed ahead. Of course, it is always possible to go full speed during short times in your lives, but it is not a possible to do this month after month or even year after year. Your physical bodies, minds, hearts and emotions are unable to function at that rate for the long distance. WHAT HAPPENED TO SELF-CARE AND SELF-LOVE? Full speed ahead does not fit into self-care or self-love.

I know that each of you are thinking there is no way I can slow down and I am telling you that it is time to slow down. So, it is time to change your perceptions about who you think you are and what you think you can do. You are one person and you are the only person who controls your life. It is time for some soul-searching about what you want from your life and what direction you want your life to take. I will assure you that the making of money and the purchasing of goods will never satisfy the needs and wants of your heart and soul.

Take time to stop and think about what it is you are wanting for your lives and your families lives. What is most important to you and to them? We are right here beside you and we are knowing what a struggle this is for you. Your lives have become so full you have lost yourselves in the running about. We will indeed be right here to help you find your way back to your home, which is your heart where love and life live. Please ask and we will help you find ways to slow down and begin once again to live your life walking instead of running. The changes will need to come in baby steps, but any step at all will be most helpful at this time.

Know that we are here loving you greatly and holding you most dearly in our hearts. I love you, I love you and I love you.

Know you only need call my name and I will be there.
In Love, Mother Mary

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Letter 286

Mother Mary is inviting you to come and have a personal 
channeled conversation with her.   The conversation can take place 
long distance over the phone or in person if you live near the 
North Coast of Oregon.  Please call or email for an appointment. or 503-717-4302 
Letter 286

Good Morning Dear Ones,

There are a hundred thousand things I could speak of this morning. But, as always I would rather talk about you and how you are doing in the craziness of your world. The energies of your world are once again battering your physical and mental bodies.

These energies are taking you each into the depths of all that has been buried inside of you throughout your life times. Many are experiencing great grief and letting go of much that has been known to them. Others are experiencing pain from this life time and other life times. Your actions today are not always about what is happening today Sept. 10th, they can be from days long ago.


When this time has passed you will find that your physical bodies feel so much lighter and more at peace than you have known before. Your emotional and mental bodies will be clear and able to process all the information that comes from traveling your daily lives. You will no longer find the confusion and doubts that have lingered with you in the past. You will find your minds sharp and in tune remembering much more than has been occurring in the past many months.

You will find that your motivations and inclinations are stronger and help you to move forward on your chosen paths. Many of the questions that you have been asking yourself and me will come to you minds and there will be answers that come with the questions. You will have reached the place in your life cycle where the answers to your questions will no longer be so frighting and unimaginable. Finding your direction and path for these times will be easier and more clear. Your self-confidence and belief in self will have grown and expanded. You will find that you are much more than you believed yourselves to be.

This will be the beginning of becoming who you are meant to be; the beginning of starting to fulfill your purpose here on earth and your reason for returning during this time. It is no small thing that each one of you has chosen to be here during this time on earth. Your bravery, courage and strength are wondrous to watch. WE here in my world, applaud you and are standing with you every step of the way. In fact, we will carry you if that is what you need. We love you each and everyone. You are so precious to each being here in my world. It is beyond your imaginations to know how much you are loved and supported by all beings in my world. Know that I am loving you so greatly and holding you so dearly in my heart. I love you, I love you and I love you.

Know you only need call my name and I will be there.
In Love, Mother Mary

Monday, September 1, 2014

Letter 285

Mother Mary is inviting you to come and have a personal 
channeled conversation with her.   The conversation can take place 
long distance over the phone or in person if you live near the 
North Coast of Oregon.  Please call or email for an appointment. or 503-717-4302 
Letter 285

Dear Ones,

I am so honored to be here with you this morning. It is with great joy that I ask Barbara to scribe these letters for me. It is my hope and prayers that my words bring some comfort and joy as you walk your path on Mother Earth. You each are doing just a magnificent job on your journeys. Yes, there are bumps and rough spots along the way. But, is that not part of the reason you choose to come back to earth for this life time.

When your soul made the decision to return to earth and be part of all these changes, it was well known that this would not be an easy path. So, yes there are many bumps and bruises along the way. But, I want to assure you that you are doing well. Each time you come to a rough spot, you find a way to walk around it or through it and then you just keep on walking. WE in my world are amazed and so proud of all that you do. You each are making progress on your paths. Your thoughts of Love and Light are helping to change the collective energies of Mother Earth.

We are so aware that when you look around in your daily lives, you might find it hard to believe that your world is changing and moving towards the 5D. We want to reassure you that this is a truth. Mother Earth is changing and moving closer to the 5D. You are right; it will not happen tomorrow, but it will happen. Each one of you is part of the reason that it will happen. Your bravery, courage, strength and love are providing the energy for you and your Mother Earth to move forward.

Your efforts in Self-Care and Self-Love is part of what is moving Mother Earth forward. In these past months, I am aware it has not been easy to move forward with Yourself-Care and Self-Love. So, there may be days or even weeks that you cannot move forward in that area, but you always come back to it and pick up where you left off. Your learning to love and care for yourself is a huge and important step on your individual journeys and on Mother Earth's journey. As you each love and care more for yourselves then you are reaching out to care and love others more and that includes Mother Earth.

Each of you are aware some place in your consciousness that Mother Earth is not doing well. The beings of Mother Earth have not been kind and loving to her. For decades, she has been the dumping ground for all and any waste, no matter how toxic and deadly. The beings of Mother Earth often times see her reactions to all that has happened to her as a personal affront to them. The truth is at times you could say she has the flu. Her actions and reactions are much like a human who has the flu, there is a releasing and letting go of what is causing the sickness inside of her or each of you. Her releasing is much more dramatic because it affects each of you. This is a perfect example of actions and reactions. Each action that each of you takes caused a reaction to the whole of Mother Earth. It is important to remember that when you are releasing anger and frustration, or perhaps it is even rage and thoughts of revenge, then that goes into the collective consciousness of Mother Earth. Those thoughts, feelings and actions are disbursed out into the energies of Mother Earth and Mankind.

It is important to remember that every being who makes up the whole of all brings their energies to the collective whole. So, practice Yourself-Care and Self-Love and bring that energy to the collective whole. Each one of you makes a huge and important contribution to the whole of the ONE. Be mindful of what energies you are providing to the whole.

I am sending you much love and surrounding you with my presence. Each one of you is surrounded by your guides and angels. Often times they are, in fact, carrying you when you yourselves are unable to move forward. There are those times when you think how did I do that? Believe me when I say that you have much help in all that you do. We here are loving you so greatly and holding you so dearly in our hearts and hands.

Know you only need call my name and I will be there.
In Love, Mother Mary