Saturday, July 26, 2014

Letter 282

Mother Mary is inviting you to come and have a personal 
channeled conversation with her.   The conversation can take place 
long distance over the phone or in person if you live near the 
North Coast of Oregon.  Please call or email for an appointment. or 503-717-4302 
Letter 282

Good Morning Dear Ones,

Today let us talk about each of you. How are you doing and where are you going? These times are once again more than intense. Are you feeling like you have been battered and bruised? The extreme strong energy waves continue to pound your Mother Earth and each one of you.

It is becoming more difficult in your world as the beings who are unaware of what is causing all that is happening on your planet try to maintain and survive. Those beings are becoming more agitated and angry with all that is happening. The collective consciousness of your world is becoming filled with extreme anxiousness and despair.

I am here with you today letting you know that we are aware of all that is happening on your Mother Earth and to each one of you. We are sending you energy daily to uplift you and provide you the energy to continue moving forward. As you go about your daily lives it will help as you interact with other beings in your world if you can remember that there are many beings who do not know what is going on. Remembering that they do not know about energy or the changes that are happening and more importantly why those changes are happening. Looking at each being that you come in contact with the eyes of Love and Understanding can and will change the energy of Mother Earth.

Each one of you can make a powerful change in your world. The eyes of Love and Understanding have the power to change everything. Yes, we know that you each are tired and worn thin, but remember now that allowing the eyes of Love and Understanding to be your eyes will also change your personal world. As you see others with your eyes of Love and Understanding they will in turn see you with their eyes of Love and Understanding. Imagine if all eyes of the beings of Mother Earth would and could only see with LOVE and UNDERSTANDING. IT WOULD BE AS IF A TIDAL WAVE OF LOVE AND UNDERSTANDING FLOWED THROUGHOUT YOUR WORLD.

That tidal wave of Love and Understanding could and would change your world beyond your recognition. Are these not the changes you have been waiting and working towards? Is this not what you want? This is the time now to shine your light and become all that you can be. All the doors are open and waiting for you to step forward. Eyes of Love and Understanding will wash away fear and self-doubt. Eyes of Love and Understanding will wash away all that keeps you trapped in your world of distrust of self and us. Your freedom lies in the Eyes of Love and Understanding. Those eyes will change your personal world and the whole of the world.

Know we are right here with you every step of the way. WE are seeing you with the eyes of Love and Understanding for all you have accomplished and all you will accomplish. Can you be the one to lead the change. As you go out into your world today, be it to the grocery store or the places where you work, can you and will you allow yourselves to make the shift that is needed to see with the eyes of Love and Understanding. We here in my world are very much hoping so!!!

Know you only need call my name and I will be there.
In Love, Mother Mary

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Letter 281

Mother Mary is inviting you to come and have a personal 
channeled conversation with her.   The conversation can take place 
long distance over the phone or in person if you live near the 
North Coast of Oregon.  Please call or email for an appointment. or 503-717-4302 
Letter 281

Good Morning Dear Ones,

How are each of you doing today? There has never been a more important time to be practicing your Self-care and Self-love. After the intensity of last few months each of you are worn a little thin and are in need of support, nurturing and love. Providing some of that for yourselves is a wondrous gift and asking for that from your personal tribe is so important. Also, please do not forget to ask us, we have unimaginable amounts of love, support and nurturing to offer you.  Please be as gentle with yourselves, as you can.

Know that I am holding each one of you in my arms as you read my letter today. As you read this letter allow your hearts to open and accept this love and know that you each deserve this and so much more. You all have worked so hard and at times it must seem like you have been working at this forever. Know that we are right here with you and that this is where we will stay.

Each of you have your own separate issues to work through as you continue on your chosen paths. Yes, they will continue to appear time after time until they have been completed and released. So, I am hoping that you will take care of them sooner than later. For it seems that each time they return to you, they become stronger and stronger until you can no longer ignore them. Ignoring your issues takes an incredible amount of your energy and time. So if you are finding yourselves tired and exhausted you might take a closer look at what has been appearing in your lives and has it been there before.

Each of you know and are aware of what I am speaking of. Yes, we are aware that sometimes it just seems too painful to sort through the old issues and events. Remembering now, that they become stronger and more intense the longer they are held close. You will be amazed at the relief and joy that will fill your hearts, minds and bodies as you find release and letting go.

Also, remember that it is not always necessary to go back and re-examine every detail of an event or issue. Many times it can be a simple acknowledgment of what your heart, mind and body are experiencing that will allow it all to be released and let go of. It is always important to acknowledge what your body, mind and heart are experiencing. All parts of you are connected and make up the whole of who you are. There is no way for you to ignore what is happening in any part of yourselves. You can pretend to bury emotions deep inside and make yourselves believe they are gone and no longer have any control over your lives, but that is a great huge untruth. Those emotions that you have tried to hide away are what is controlling your every move, thought and action. This believing that you are able to hide away issues, events and emotions from the past is the biggest trick that the beings of earth play on themselves.

This trick is the most painful thing of all. The trick is holding each being who chooses to walk this path in a most painful stranglehold. Their lives, actions, and reactions are all about holding the denial of their hidden issues, events and emotions in place. This way of being is not living, it is called surviving. There is no time or energy for living a heart centered life.

WE are right here ready to help you release and let go of those hidden away emotions, issues and events from your past. There are excellent beings on Mother Earth in human form who can help you to release and let go of all that you have been hanging on too. If you ask for help, the ones who can help you will appear.

Know that we are loving you so greatly and holding you so dearly in our hearts. We are right here standing with you supporting you, and loving you.

Know you only need call my name and I will be there.
In Love, Mother Mary

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Letter 280

Mother Mary is inviting you to come and have a personal 
channeled conversation with her.   The conversation can take place 
long distance over the phone or in person if you live near the 
North Coast of Oregon.  Please call or email for an appointment. or 503-717-4302 

Dear Ones,

Today, you are starting into a whole new cycle. You have a new month on your calendar and it is time to step outside and shake off all the intense, heavy energies from these past months. I am truly saying take a step outside your doors and give yourselves a good shaking. WE here are so proud of you for making it through these past months of intense energy and the many challenges that came into your lives.

It is with sorrow that I can't tell you that the next few months would be a breeze for you, but I can tell you they will be easier than the last few. We are still wanting you to delve into the old energies that are holding you back, but the push to do so will not be as strong as the last few months.

Now it is time for each of you to take the lead and do this on your own without being pushed by outside energies. It is time for each of you to pay attention to yourselves and to what you are wanting in your lives. How badly do you want to take off the many veils that you are wearing. How badly does the real you want to come out and allow the world to see you as you really are. How badly do you want to share your gifts. How badly do you want all that waits inside of you to come forward to be a part of your worlds.

WE of course, are standing right here ready to help you in any way that we can. You only need ask and we will be right there. Your world is changing so rapidly that many of you are unable to even comprehend the many changes that are happening daily or even minute by minute. These past months have left little time for even looking around and seeing what is happening outside your own personal worlds. It is indeed time to stop and take a look around at the beings in your own personal worlds and then take another look at the world as a whole.  Much has changed in other's lives, much has changed in your lives.

Call this a time of taking stock of yourselves and the whole of the world. It is time to recognize and applaud yourselves for the growth and changes you have made and also the ones you see in the whole of the world. It is time to re-think where you are going, what you are doing and what you want to do. What are your goals, what do you want changed in your lives, what do you want changed in the world and what can you personally do about all of this? This does indeed sound like a big project or should I say CLARIFYING. Yes, this is a time of clarifying. It is time to stop allowing the energies to move you whichever way they please. It is time for you to start directing the energy how you please. You of course, do have a choice in how the energy affects your lives. THERE IS ALWAYS FREE WILL. You are the one in charge. And, yes I do know that in the last few months it has felt many times like, there was no choice as you were moved and pushed around by the might of the energy coming into MOTHER EARTH. But, today I am here to remind you that this whole journey is about your choice, YOUR FREE WILL. What do you want, who are you willing to let yourselves be and so, I will say again as I have said in the past are you ready to let yourself to be who you came here to be? The key words are, (YOUR CHOICE AND FREE WILL.) WHAT DO YOU CHOOSE TODAY AND EVERYDAY FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIVES?

Of course, we are here loving you know matter what you decide to do. We are here standing at the ready to help you in any way we can. Please remember to give us room to work the miracles that you ask for. In your asking leave the doors open to how we can bring you what you are asking for. I am loving you so greatly and holding each of you in my heart, always.

Know you only need call my name and I will be there.
In Love, Mother Mary