Letter 247
A joyous Good Morning to each of you Dear Ones,
You are ending your month of July in the next few days and will move forward into the glorious summer month of August. This time in your calendar has not been quiet or peaceful. There has been great changes taking place in the stars and inside each of you.
Many of you are feeling overwhelmed and broken apart by all that is transpiring. There have been immense shifts and adjustments happening for each being of your earth. Not all beings have an awareness of what is happening inside their bodies.
They may be thinking that they are just not feeling well and might have a touch of the flu or perhaps a summer cold is coming on.
I assure you that it is neither of those things. As your Mother Earth is changing and trying to rebalance herself; each of you is changing and trying to rebalance yourselves. Just as Mother Earth is trying to clean out the toxins from her body, so are each of you. Toxins for Mother Earth would be considered the damage and abuse that has taken place over the decades to her. The environment of earth has been altered and harmed by the industries, lack of respect and total disregard for the species that inhabit her. Each winged and flying animal provides something to mother earth, just as each four-legged animal provides something. It has been the two-legged beings of earth that have disregard Mother Earth and all other species for what is best for just them. The two-legged have been wondering earth doing exactly what they think they want with total disregard for all other living breathing life forms.
As you each are learning now, you can no longer be unaware of other living breathing life forms. The earth was made for all beings, two-legged, four-legged, winged ones and those who slither along the ground. All are to be honored and cherished. It is now up to the two legged to change these old patterns and begin to care for Mother Earth and all her children no matter what form they come in.
And, now my two-legged Dear Ones, it is also time to care for yourselves. For you have treated yourselves no better than any other breathing life form on earth. You have ignored and hidden away the harm and abuse you have inflicted on yourselves. Also, you have hidden and ignored all the harm and abuse you have endured from others. The time has come to stop what has been happening for centuries.
In the days and weeks ahead you each will be going through a detoxification process that will be bring up all hidden and stored away harms and abuses from your life times. It will be a time of letting go and of cleansing your body, mind and spirits. These will not be easy times, but most necessary for your further journeys into the 5D World. As you begin to go through this process, you will need much rest and solitude to absorb and transmute your energy. It will be a time of nurturing and caring for yourselves. You will find that you will no longer be able to rush around and do your multitasking. It will be more than just not having the energy for it; you will simply be unable to perform in that manner. Know that this will be a very individual process depending on what each of your life times has been and what has transpired for each of you. For some, it may take a very short time and then again, for others it could take weeks and weeks. Of course, this all depends on your willingness to help yourselves. We will be right here beside you walking this path with you. You will never be alone unless that is what you wish for.
This process will be a complete detoxification of your body, mind, emotions and spiritual being. Each part of you will need and want to be cleansed and rebalanced so that you may achieve wholeness. ARE YOU NOTICING THE SIMILARITIES BETWEEN WHAT HAS HAPPENED TO MOTHER EARTH AND WHAT HAS HAPPENED TO EACH OF YOU?
I love you, I love you and I love you.
Know you only need call my name and I will be there.
In Love, Mother Mary
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