Letter 244
Dear Ones,
I have missed sending out my letters to you. Barbara has been learning how to become a full body channel for me. We had a lovely experience with this a week ago at the Mother Mary Gathering at Barbara’s home.
Barbara was able to allow me to come into her body and use it for about 40 minutes. I had prepared a place for Barbara to go while I was using her body and she was totally aware of where she would be during that time. It was wonderful for me to talk and joke with the beings gathered there. I was most excited about this and Barbara was elated and riding on the high clouds when she returned to her body and I returned to my world.
I am going to have Barbara tell you about her experience with being out of her body and loaning it to me.
Hi everyone,
I was aware of what was going to be taking place at the MM Gathering for about a week before the gathering. I was a little nervous about rather I would be able to surrender and allow Mother Mary full access. The transfer happened very smoothly and easily. I simply closed my eyes and went to my heart and Mother Mary was right there. I felt my body start to vibrate very fast, kind of like I had been plugged into an electrical outlet. It was totally comfortable, just different than what I had ever experienced before. I moved out of my body and into a chamber that Mother Mary had prepared for me. I felt immersed in love, all encompassing unconditional love. When I returned to my body, I felt very child like, but later realized that I was completely filled with joy. Pure joy is not something I am accustomed to experiencing and I did not recognize what I was feeling. The whole experience was wonderful and breath taking. I am looking forward to doing this many more times in the days ahead.
Love & Blessings, Barb
Well, back to me Dear Ones.
I want to share with you today what I talked about during the channeling at the Mother Mary gathering. I spoke about the things you believe about yourselves and say to yourselves when no one else is listening. DO you know what I am speaking of? I know you do. Most often those things are harsh, ugly and very untrue. You often use those words or sayings to keep yourself in the same old stuck place. It is safe, comfortable and does not require you to change or move forward. But, what it really does is hurt you over and over and over again. Every being on your earth must learn to love themselves unconditionally. How will that ever be possible if you do not release those words and sayings that I am talking about?
Well, the time has come to let go of those words or sayings. It is a process of taking a moment and asking yourself the question, “What do I think of myself?” You are going to be amazed at what pops into your mind. My next question to you is, when was the first time you heard this, and who said it to you? Allow that picture to come into your mind. REMEMBER NOW YOU DO NOT HAVE TO GO BACK AND RE-LIVE IT JUST WATCH HOW THE PICTURE PLAYS OUT IN YOUR MIND. Often times what the child hears is not really what is being said. Look at who is saying this and what is happening to that person. NOW THE BIG QUESTION? IS IT ABOUT YOU OR IS ALL ABOUT THE OTHER PERSON AND WHO THEY ARE AND HOW THEY ARE LIVING THEIR LIFE? Is it their energy that you took at that time and have been carrying for years, is it their misconception of who you are and you believed it? Remember now you were a child and believed whatever was said by someone older.
NOW IS THE TIME TO SEE THE TRUTH AND LET GO OF THE OLD ENERGY, MISCONCEPTIONS AND UNTRUTHS. The releasing of these old core issues is a journey to THE FREEDOM TO BECOME WHO YOU ARE MEANT TO BE. EACH TIME YOU WALK THROUGH THIS PROCESS, YOU WILL RECLAIM MORE AND MORE OF YOURSELVES. You each are wonderful magnificent beings with unlimited gifts and resources waiting to be claimed and used.
Of course, we are right here at the ready to help you walk through this process. There is no need to walk this road by yourself. Help and support is right here waiting. WE are loving you greatly and holding you most dearly in our hearts.
Know you only need call my name and I will be there.
In Love, Mother Mary
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