Letter 243
Dear Ones,
This is and has been a time of change and transformation. This next eclipse will bring in the beginning of a new time. For each of you, if you choose it, this can be a time of new beginnings. Are there still things about your life that you are unhappy with, are there changes you want to make? Now is the time!! In just a few days it will be a time of new beginnings. WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO CHOOSE??
Which way will you decide to spend your new beginning? Will you sit in your chair wondering and dreaming about all that you want to do in the world and the differences you want to make?? OR, WILL YOU GET UP OUT OF YOUR CHAIR AN ALLOW YOUR HEART TO TELL YOU WHERE TO START AND WHICH WAY TO GO? WILL YOU FOLLOW WHAT YOUR HEART IS TELLING YOU OR WILL YOU CONTINUE TO LISTEN TO YOUR BRAIN AND ALL IT TELLS YOU THAT YOU CAN’T DO??
IT IS IMPORTANT to remember that you have an immense amount of energy coming your way to help you move forward. There are no roadblocks in your way; there are only the roadblocks in your minds. The universe and all beings of my world are standing at the ready to help you in any way that they can. We here are sending you immense amounts of love and encouragement to help you make that step into your new beginning.
As we go into this new eclipse time spend it with treasured friends offering and showing support to one another. Support and encouragement in your physical world is as important as the help you receive from our world. Share with one another those wondrous things that your heart is telling you to do. OPEN THE DOORS TO YOUR HEART AND ALLOW THOSE DOORS TO STAY OPEN. Choose freedom for your life, and choose a heart-centered life. Allow yourself to live in joy and happiness, let go of the fear and doubts that have always held you back and in your proper place. We are not sure who decided for you what your proper place was? You and only you can decide what your proper place in the world is.
At this time of the eclipse we will be standing very close to each of you. Many of you will almost be able to reach out and touch us. So, I will say to you pay very close attention if you feel someone brush by you, or if you notice that someone is placing a kiss on the top of your head, only know one is there. No one in your physical world is there, but we here in my world will be there with you. Loving each one of you and offering each one of you our support and help. REMEMBER THAT THIS IS A TIME OF NEW BEGINNINGS AND YOU MUST CHOOSE WHETHER YOU WILL STEP OUT INTO THE NEWNESS OR IF YOU WILL STAND BACK AND STAY WHERE YOU ARE.
IMMENSE AMOUNTS OF LOVE WILL BE COMING YOUR WAY NO MATTER WHAT YOUR CHOICE IS. I am cherishing you greatly and holding each one of you in my heart. I LOVE YOU, I LOVE YOU AND I LOVE YOU.
Know you only need call my name and I will be there.
In Love, Mother Mary
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