Letter 236
Good Morning Dear Ones,
Are you all feeling a bit fragmented and scattered to the winds? Or does it feel like you have been in your own personal hurricane/tornado and on and on. I know that life has been a little crazy and energetically over the top for most of you.
There are many, many beings on earth who are totally unaware of what is happening energetically and dimensionally. Many beings are thinking that there is something wrong with them and have no idea that they are being affected by the universal energy changes. These beings have no understanding or consciousness of multi-dimensional realties, galactic exchanges with beings from other worlds or that there is help available from the many beings of my world.
Many beings of earth are still only seeing with tunnel vision. They are only able to see what they have always seen and heard. They have no room or space for anything new and different. Now is the time that they need to hear your voices loud and clear. It is the time for The Wayshowers and Keepers of the Light to be speaking out and speaking to the many. Often times it is thought by The Wayshowers that everyone surely must be aware and thinking as they do. It is beyond important that you hear me when I say there are millions and millions who are totally unaware of what is happening on Mother Earth. Those beings are walking around thinking that everything is just like it has always been.
So, Wayshowers and Keepers of the Light it is time to really make your light shine and your voices heard speaking out loud and clear. It is time to share your thoughts, philosophies, beliefs and innate knowing with all beings of the your world. Yes, there are many beings of your world who will look at you as if you are not quite right in your heads or they may think you are a member of some strange occult. But, each one of you will know that is an untruth. You are beings of a powerful new world that are learning and teaching yourselves and others to be heart-centered beings living in the way all beings were intended to live. You are the ones who are changing your Mother Earth so that she can continue to exist and support all the beings of her world. You are the ones who are reaching out with your hearts and hands to welcome beings from all other worlds.
Are you not remarkable and wondrous to behold. Of course, we are standing right here beside you as you travel your journeys there on Mother Earth. We are loving you beyond what you can imagine. I am holding you so dearly in my heart.
Know you only need call my name and I will be there.
In Love, Mother Mary
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