Friday, June 29, 2012

Letter 196

Letter 196

Good Morning Dear Ones,

Are your eyes open and are you ready for a bright new day?  Many of you are still sleeping and vaguely wondering what is happening out in the world.  You go to work, feed yourself and your families.  Think about the world in general terms and wonder what is happening.

But, you choose not to delve further into what is happening.  Life is easier if you pretend that you are unaware of what is going on around you.  There are others who are pretending to be awake.  They are listening and watching, acting as if they are participating in the changes that are taking place.  When I speak of changes, I am meaning the energy changes of your world.  The changes of your world going from a 3D directed universe to a 5D directed universe. 

Then there are those of you who are awake and working very hard to clear and clean your energy fields.  Working to be present and involved in the energy changes that your Mother Earth is going through.  We are most aware of the courage and strength it takes to be an active participant in these changes.  We know and you also know that is your reason for being on Mother Earth at this time. 

For those of you who are sleeping or pretending to be awake, I want to assure you that what is happening in your world is not as scary as you first thought.  Yes, I know you have been watching what those ones who are actively participating in these changes are doing.  What you are seeing them going through can at times be frightening.  They are dealing with feelings of all kinds.  They are facing their fears and walking through them to the other side.  They are digging deep within themselves to find out who they are and who they can be. 

All of these things are scary and beyond your wildest imaginations.  But, have you talked to them, have you looked at their faces, have you noticed how they are living and how they have changed.  Do they look and act scared?  Yes, sometimes they do look and act scared, but what about the rest of the time?

Are they not walking taller, is there not a light shining out from inside of their bodies, are they looking younger?  Have you noticed the differences?  Are they not more confident and sure of who they are?  Would you not like to have some of all of those things for yourselves?  Is it not time to wake up and time to stop pretending?  Is it not time to become an active participant in your changing world?

So, today I am asking all of you who are still asleep and those of you who are pretending to participate, if you are ready to step forward and start becoming who you are meant to be.?  If you are ready then, simply say in your mind that you are ready and say to me that you are ready. 

We will be here to show you the way.  We will be leading you, helping you to find your path and at times we will be standing behind you pushing you forward.  But, most certainly we will always be loving you and cheering you on.  Each of you will have your very own support group of Angels, Guardians and Protectors.  You will never ever be alone on this journey.  We will always be right there with you.  I am loving you and holding you dearly in my heart.

Know you only need call my name and I will be there.
In Love, Mother Mary

Mother Mary is now offering personal letters or question and
answer sessions to her readers.  If you are interested in having 
your own letter or session from Mother Mary, please email me.
There will be a cost of $65.00 per letter or session


Sunday, June 17, 2012

Letter 195

Letter 195

Dear Ones,

Know you only need call my name and I will be there.
In Love, Mother Mary

Mother Mary is now offering personal letters or question and
answer sessions to her readers.  If you are interested in having 
your own letter or session from Mother Mary, please email me.
There will be a cost of $65.00 per letter or session

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Letter 194

Letter 194

Dear Ones,

I am wondering how all of you are surviving all that is happening on your Mother Earth.  The energy waves that are coming to your earth far surpass anything you have experienced over the last several years.  I know that many of you are standing firm and at the same time wondering in your minds how in the world you are doing that.  You have our extreme admiration and respect for all that you have walked through and participated in.

Many of you have been experiencing flashes or memories of times gone by in your lives.  We ask you not to hang on to those moments in time, but to simply view them and send them on their way.  Those memories are coming to you because they are in need of being released.  It is no longer necessary for you to carry them around in your bodies.  I am speaking of all your bodies (energetic, cellular, physical and spiritual). 

Remember now that with the intense energy of this time that there is more energetic power available to help you release old memories or moments in time.  That same energetic power is available to help you release old fears and new fears.  The power of now is what many of you have been waiting for.  Many times in the past months and years I have heard you say “I can not go back deal with fear, hurt, terror and pain, it is just too much.” 

I am asking today with the energy that is available to you now to go back and try to release those old moments in time.  Those old terrors, pain, hurt and fear.  There are many of you who will say this isn’t about me, she is talking about so and so.  I say back to you, “go back and look in your memory banks, there is some of all those things still lurking about in each of you.” 

Remembering now that you were not always big strong adult men and women.  You were all little children and each of you experienced terror, hurt, pain and fear.  Some of you are still holding on to those old feelings.  There are many reasons for that holding on.  Some of you are not consciously remembering, others are remembering but do not want to go there and yet others are afraid to let go because that is all they believe they have.

Let me assure you that your lives, all of your bodies, your hearts and minds will rejoice and know such freedom and well-being once all of this has been cleared away.  Living without carrying around the weight of these experiences will be uplifting and freeing.  Your bodies and minds were never meant to be loaded down with old moments in time that stop you from being who you are. 

Yes, I have talked of all this many, many, many times and I will continue to do so until each and everyone of you have the freedom to live your lives as they were meant to be lived.   As I have said many times before we are always right here and we will always be right here.  You only need ask and we will help in whatever way we can. 

We are so aware that this journey you each have taken on is of extreme importance to each being of Mother Earth and to all the beings of the universe.  You each are here to help and take part in transforming your world into a heart-centered world.  This is taking great courage and determination on all your parts.  We are honoring and loving each of you and respecting all that you are doing. 
I love you, l love you, and I love you.

Know you only need call my name and I will be there.
In Love, Mother Mary
Mother Mary is now offering personal letters or question and
answer sessions to her readers.  If you are interested in having 
your own letter or session from Mother Mary, please email me.
There will be a cost of $65.00 per letter or session

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Letter 193

Letter 193

Dear Ones,

All of this action out in the far ends of the universe will have great effect on your Mother Earth.  It will have great effect on each being who lives on Mother Earth.  Your world is changing and so must each of you.  These new energies and in some cases old sacred energies will be traveling through, in, and around your planet over the new few weeks. 

Your soul knows that all the change that will be occurring is what is needed for each of you to move forward.  Your soul has been waiting, for it knows that this is why you are here on Mother Earth at this time.  It is all part of your journey, part of your reason for being here and all is as it should be.


Yes, there is chaos in your outer world and in some cases your personal worlds.  That is as it is needed, and as it should be.  The chaos and confusion can be stopped by simply stopping the resistance to change.  Here is where it is time to use one of your worldly sayings “GO WITH THE FLOW.”   It is indeed time to go with the flow.  Allowing what is not needed to fall away, making room for what is to be the beginning of your new life, a new way of being. 

Now that you have read my letter, can you understand that great and abundant self-care is needed at this time?  Do what feeds your soul.  Do what feeds your mind, heart and body.  Try new forms of self-care.  Now is the time for new and different ways of being.  LOVE YOURSELF, CARE FOR YOURSELF, AND BE AT PEACE WITH YOURSELF.

Know that you only need call my name and I will be there.
In Love, Mother Mary

Mother Mary is now offering personal letters or question
and answer sessions to her readers.  If you are interested 
in having your own letter or session from Mother Mary,
please email me.
There will be a cost of $65.00 per letter or session.